Wednesday, November 9, 2011

You know your kid is in trouble when....

Let me first say, that my son's school and the faculty ROCK!! But I know when my 10 year old son is in trouble when the Principal (or the Social Worker, she cornered me this morning) meets me at the car before I have a chance to get out of it.  It boggles my mind that it takes 4 adults and 3 hours to calm down my son.  Now wait, before you think my child is the spawn of Satan, you should first know that he is a high functioning autistic.  My son is not an easy child, never has been.  He runs circles around us mentally.  He is always about 3 steps ahead in his thinking (or manipulation, which ever comes first).  Yesterday was going well, until they tried to get him to eat an English muffin pizza (He flipped out about pizza??) Oh yes, he did.  This child has only recently been able to have milk and milk products- so it has not really sunk in that he can eat cheese again. So that was the start to the "tantrum" or rage cycle(as we like to call it).  Then it escalated- this is when it gets bad.  There were threats to beat up the teacher (which he tried to fulfill. Good thing there are 2 other teachers in the class.), threats to blow up the school, bad words, throwing himself on the floor, scaring and upsetting the other kids in class (there are only 6 kids in a class at this school).  The child spent the afternoon with his Principal (bless this man- he has the patience of a saint!!) trying to find out why he flipped out and how he could change his behaviour.  So to make a long story short, they find out that my child is jealous of his 2 other brothers because they are home-schooled and get to play with mommy all day (if you ask my 2 other kids if they like being home with mommy, the answer would be NO! at least from the 5 yr old.  The 11yr old would say "HELL NO!!!") Don't know how they got to this, but any info is good to have.  So to punish and torture, not just the child in trouble, but ALL of them(because I am sadistic), said child will be doing home-school with mommy and his brothers on Thursday and Friday (he has no school for teacher convention and Veteran's Day).  Hopefully this will squash any feelings of jealousy, and instead make him want to go to school and behave.  Well, one can dream. Can't they??

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