Monday, November 7, 2011

Who am I? Okay this is the rant for today-you have been warned!!!!

            Even though my profile is on the page, it really does not say who I am.  I feel like I am very different than that person.  It is very vague and dry.  I am so much more than that person.  But if I ask others that know me the question "who am I?" I would undoubtedly get many different answers (and knowing my friends, some of those answers would not be kind!!) 
             So the question is "Who am I?" Do I want to be known as a Mom only?  Wife?  Musician? Sister? Daughter? Pain in the ass?  So here is my answer to this question.
This is how I define Alissa:
I am crazy (especially when my kids are involved) and generous.  I am insecure and indecisive.  I have attention issues, as in I don't have any -this is where my oldest gets it from :o.  I am impatient and a perfectionist when it comes to a task for someone else.  I can be materialistic at times- well hell, i am a Taurus to a tee!!  I love music (but not all music- I am a snob about that).  I am not beautiful- but I am not ugly (except sometimes in my actions).  I am confused at times and confident once in a while.  I like to crochet.  I can be funny haha, but those times are rare.  I take everything around me a bit too seriously.  And I am sure there are other really boring things about me that I haven't even figured out yet.
          So expect me to be a bit weird, irrational and bitchy.  And if you can handle that, then that's great.  I will then expect you to be blunt about what you see or hear from me. 
Okay, got to go and teach the kids something before they declare it a holiday from school- and that is just not going to happen today!! 
Hope today is kind to you!!!


Mariam said...

honest. i tried to be liked for so long that now that im getting to me - there are times I drive myself crazy. and with that being just me has left me with less friends 0h well.
I say im fine but im really not liking this alone thing. Im busy so that keeps my mind from wandering.

Alissa said...

I have had the same problem! Trying to be someone different to people so that they like me, include me, etc...
That now I am at the point where if they can't like me for who I am, then they really are not worth my time. I have way too much to do and being someone I am not is not on my agenda anymore!!