Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Reflections upon 2011

Much has happened during this year. Much that I would like to forget and put way, way, WAY back in my memories. Stresses and arguments, wars and deaths. I want to start anew, but I know that even though all the crap that happened this year has made me stronger, it has also made me cynical. I have lost friends, gained new ones and strengthened established relationships. I have watched my children grow a little taller and more mature (of course as I write this, my two older kids are acting like infants-they are 11 and 10 yrs old). Time seems to be going faster as I get older, and all I want it to do is slow down just a bit.
I hope in the new year I can step back and slow down. I hope I can stop letting everything stress me out. I hope I can start trusting my own mind and heart and not the thoughts and actions of others, especially those who would rather hurt me than help me. And I say "I hope" because we all set up expectations of what we want to become as the New Year arrives. I want to have "Hopes" rather than "resolutions".
But for my last "Hope", I hope you all have a safe Happy New Year with much love, luck and happiness throughout. And as they say in my maternal grandfather's language 事事如意、心想事成 (shì shì rúyì, xīn xiǎng shì chéng): Things will happen as you wish.
Happy New Year To You All!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tis the season- For a Christmas lament

Ok, 4 days till Christmas, and all through the house.
My children are screaming and so is the spouse.
The stockings are hidden, the gifts are all wrapped.
Santa has been here, he called in advance.
He likes to come early to discuss all the kids.
But now I have called him,
I hope he replies.
My son got a gift today,
that's already been brought.
From a school in the area,
It was a gracious thought.
I appreciate the gesture
I really, truly do.
But it's already been bought.
Now what do we do?
Do I go and unwrap it and send it back too?
So now I am panicked.
Now I will fret.
And what else should I get him,
to replace the great gift?
A game, or a toy, or a stupid pogo stick?
I really wish Christmas would miss me this year!
I'm tired of the songs, and the joy and the greed.
I just want the new year to come here with speed.
So Santa please hurry, and make it come fast.
And please make it go away, finally at last!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

My Boy, The Gymnast and My Hero!

Yesterday, my oldest son (A.D.D. Boy) had his first gymnastics meet. I was so proud of him, because even though he started later in life than most gymnasts(most gymnasts start as early as 3 yrs old), he did AWESOME.  Here is his story :)
He started when he was 8yo.  We weren't even looking for an activity for him, we were looking to place his brother(Misery child) in a program to help with his social skills.  So we asked ADD boy if he wanted to try it.  My kid, never passing up an opportunity to be physical, said yes. So he joined a boy's class, soon he was in two classes, one boy's class and a trampoline class.  That soon turned into one boy's class, a trampoline class and trampoline pre-team.  He loved it, lived for it.  But after some time, the boy's class was not enough for him, he wanted more. 

So we joined a new gym that had boy's competitive teams.  We told the instructor that his goal was a team placement, he said okay, but put him in an advanced boy's class.  Well after a year of going nowhere and doing nothing but more trampoline, I asked the teacher about the boy's team.  By this time my son was 10yo.  He proceeds to tell me that he is too old for a team.  I proceed to look for another gym.  Someone suggested Indigo Gym in New Providence, NJ.  We called and made an appointment for a try out.  This gym was relatively new, we had hoped that they would say "Yes, we want you!". 

And that is just what they did.  They put ADD on the pre-team.  Six months later, they put him on level 5 non competitive team (he started too late on team to compete).  And this was fine because he got extra time to learn routines and build muscle strength.  This year he is on the competitive team, and he totally ROCKS!  I love the fact that even though my son was told "No" by other people, he never gave up, never got down about it.  He brushed himself off, and kept on trying.  How many 11yr olds can you say you know that act like this?  

If you know someone, regardless of their age, and they keep trying to achieve their goals, no matter how great or small they may be- pat them on the back, let them know how much you admire them. I hope my son realizes how proud I am of him and all he does and that it's not the medals that make me feel this way, it's he, himself, that is the reason.

Oh, and BTW- he came in 10th place All Around for his age group!!! Who's too old now, Jerky!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

O Christmas Tree, OChristmas Tree, will you change my mood- we'll see

The morning started very early for me.  I arose at 6:30 for no reason.  Decided I would try to knit a bit more (it actually is beginning to look like a scarf-GO ME!!).  Then my 10 yr old (Misery child) came downstairs, and thus my peace and quiet (more like my sanity) was ripped away from me in the tornado that is Mr. Misery.  He went to bed late and woke up too early and that equals BAD MOOD!!
So after an hour of screaming at me, he starts crying.  I get him to calm down, and then he gets a nosebleed, which is also typical of him. Okay, crisis averted.
Seeing as it is December 3rd, I should feel christmassy, but alas I do not.  So I have suggested to the family that we go get our Christmas Tree today.  My husband being in a good mood (or at least afraid of me turning to the dark side) said ok.  Maybe it will lift my spirits as well as the kids or at least give them something to look forward to doing today, seeing as it is a Do Nothing Day.  So we get the kids bundled up, go to Home Depot, and A.D.D. boy (my 11yo) picks a beautiful one. This was the easy part-  it turned into a big Chaotic mess when we got home.
My kids were excited, ESPECIALLY Chaos child (my 5yo).  This is the first Christmas that he finally realizes what is going on.
As I am trying to string up the lights, I must have gotten 5 calls and messages (did I ever mention that I have a hard time transitioning from one activity to another without cursing?? Hmm now you know, and knowing is half the battle).  In all the noise and mess of Christmas decorations, i finally let the kids decorate the tree.  Well, I forgot to tell my older two kids  DO NOT TO LET CHAOS HAVE THE GLASS ORNAMENTS!!  It was my fault, I didn't think about it.  So now I am missing 3 glass ornaments that we have had since we got married (they were a gift from my Bestie Amy, a really beautiful bridal set). So now I am ready to cry, but not before I start screaming for assistance from "The Man"-AKA Rick. It did get better after his assistance was requested. 
Here is the final result:

 I put out my Christmas Village, which I have never done before.  It is not that big, but it is a work in progress :)

We all worked as a family, which is rare in my house (I can't even get the kids to sit at the table and eat diner together) so it was nice.  The day finished quietly, the kids went to bed early.  I got to knit a bit more and The Man got to beat things up on the PS3.  Still not feeling the Christmas Spirit, but it is early yet in the season. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Today's Score

Today's score is an arrangement of The Twelve Days of Christmas.  Please take a listen and let me know how you like it.  Happy Holidays everyone!

December's List of Authors to check out!!!!

Last month I put up a list of new authors.  Here is this month's list.
And please, if you read one of their books-Give a review :)

S.L.Pearce- http://slpiercebooks.blogspot.com/
joey Pinkney- http://joeypinkney.com/
Ron Gavalik- http://www.gritcitypublications.com/
Benjamin Matvey- http://www.fictionaut.com/stories/benjamin-matvey/piece-of-mind
Watt Davenport- http://www.lunaraseries.com/
Eric Kobb Miller- http://spittoonssaloon.blogspot.com/
Arleen Alleman- http://www.arleenalleman.com/
Kathryn Braund- http://www.kathrynbraund.net/
Steve Umstead- http://steveumstead.com/
Frank Marcopolos- http://frankmarcopolos.com/
Steven Ames Berry- http://authorstephenamesberry.com/
Martin Perry- http://legacy-universe.com/
John-Paul Cleary-  http://convergentspace.blog.co.uk/
Bernard J. Schaffer- http://apiarysociety.typepad.com/enemy_blog/
Many stories to choose from- http://storyfans.com/
Kevin Paul Shaw Broden- http://kevinpsbroden.blogspot.com/
Laura Stamps- http://www.avampskiss.blogspot.com/
Roger Grubbs- http://booksbyrogergrubbs.wordpress.com/
John Lavan- http://poemsfromreality.blogspot.com/
Virgil Allen Moore- http://demongift.blogspot.com/
Jesse James Freeman- http://billypurgatory.wordpress.com/
William G. Jones- http://williamgjones.com/blog/
Jessica Hatchigan- http://hatchigan.com/about.html