Sunday, December 4, 2011

O Christmas Tree, OChristmas Tree, will you change my mood- we'll see

The morning started very early for me.  I arose at 6:30 for no reason.  Decided I would try to knit a bit more (it actually is beginning to look like a scarf-GO ME!!).  Then my 10 yr old (Misery child) came downstairs, and thus my peace and quiet (more like my sanity) was ripped away from me in the tornado that is Mr. Misery.  He went to bed late and woke up too early and that equals BAD MOOD!!
So after an hour of screaming at me, he starts crying.  I get him to calm down, and then he gets a nosebleed, which is also typical of him. Okay, crisis averted.
Seeing as it is December 3rd, I should feel christmassy, but alas I do not.  So I have suggested to the family that we go get our Christmas Tree today.  My husband being in a good mood (or at least afraid of me turning to the dark side) said ok.  Maybe it will lift my spirits as well as the kids or at least give them something to look forward to doing today, seeing as it is a Do Nothing Day.  So we get the kids bundled up, go to Home Depot, and A.D.D. boy (my 11yo) picks a beautiful one. This was the easy part-  it turned into a big Chaotic mess when we got home.
My kids were excited, ESPECIALLY Chaos child (my 5yo).  This is the first Christmas that he finally realizes what is going on.
As I am trying to string up the lights, I must have gotten 5 calls and messages (did I ever mention that I have a hard time transitioning from one activity to another without cursing?? Hmm now you know, and knowing is half the battle).  In all the noise and mess of Christmas decorations, i finally let the kids decorate the tree.  Well, I forgot to tell my older two kids  DO NOT TO LET CHAOS HAVE THE GLASS ORNAMENTS!!  It was my fault, I didn't think about it.  So now I am missing 3 glass ornaments that we have had since we got married (they were a gift from my Bestie Amy, a really beautiful bridal set). So now I am ready to cry, but not before I start screaming for assistance from "The Man"-AKA Rick. It did get better after his assistance was requested. 
Here is the final result:

 I put out my Christmas Village, which I have never done before.  It is not that big, but it is a work in progress :)

We all worked as a family, which is rare in my house (I can't even get the kids to sit at the table and eat diner together) so it was nice.  The day finished quietly, the kids went to bed early.  I got to knit a bit more and The Man got to beat things up on the PS3.  Still not feeling the Christmas Spirit, but it is early yet in the season. 

1 comment:

Dawn said...

The tree looks great! Your kids did a good job and worked together.