Monday, December 5, 2011

My Boy, The Gymnast and My Hero!

Yesterday, my oldest son (A.D.D. Boy) had his first gymnastics meet. I was so proud of him, because even though he started later in life than most gymnasts(most gymnasts start as early as 3 yrs old), he did AWESOME.  Here is his story :)
He started when he was 8yo.  We weren't even looking for an activity for him, we were looking to place his brother(Misery child) in a program to help with his social skills.  So we asked ADD boy if he wanted to try it.  My kid, never passing up an opportunity to be physical, said yes. So he joined a boy's class, soon he was in two classes, one boy's class and a trampoline class.  That soon turned into one boy's class, a trampoline class and trampoline pre-team.  He loved it, lived for it.  But after some time, the boy's class was not enough for him, he wanted more. 

So we joined a new gym that had boy's competitive teams.  We told the instructor that his goal was a team placement, he said okay, but put him in an advanced boy's class.  Well after a year of going nowhere and doing nothing but more trampoline, I asked the teacher about the boy's team.  By this time my son was 10yo.  He proceeds to tell me that he is too old for a team.  I proceed to look for another gym.  Someone suggested Indigo Gym in New Providence, NJ.  We called and made an appointment for a try out.  This gym was relatively new, we had hoped that they would say "Yes, we want you!". 

And that is just what they did.  They put ADD on the pre-team.  Six months later, they put him on level 5 non competitive team (he started too late on team to compete).  And this was fine because he got extra time to learn routines and build muscle strength.  This year he is on the competitive team, and he totally ROCKS!  I love the fact that even though my son was told "No" by other people, he never gave up, never got down about it.  He brushed himself off, and kept on trying.  How many 11yr olds can you say you know that act like this?  

If you know someone, regardless of their age, and they keep trying to achieve their goals, no matter how great or small they may be- pat them on the back, let them know how much you admire them. I hope my son realizes how proud I am of him and all he does and that it's not the medals that make me feel this way, it's he, himself, that is the reason.

Oh, and BTW- he came in 10th place All Around for his age group!!! Who's too old now, Jerky!!


Dawn said...

Congrats to Joey for his determination and to his mom for believing in him. I'd love to come see him compete!

Alissa said...

I will send you the competition schedule for the rest of the season.
He would love for you to come and see him :)