Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Apologies for my neglect

I am sorry, haven't had much time to blog lately. It's been crazy here, between gymnastics meets, sick husband and kids, and music arranging, I'm burnt out. Oh, I guess you could add game playing in there too. Santa brought me a PS3 game and I have been trying to play ( at least whenever my family lets me).
I am trying not to bitch too much here. Who wants to read rantings all the time? I know that I would rather not.
So if I'm not complaining about something, what should I write about? The weather sucks, I should probably stay away from that subject. I hate politics. I am neither a republican or a democrat, nor do I support one over the other. I'm more of a "show me what you have done" type of gal. So that subject is out. My family is always doing something to piss me off- let's stay away from that one. So the conundrum continues.
Oh well, guess you all will have to wait until I feel like bitching again!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Time waster games, and why I cannot play them!

FarmVille, Zombie Lane, CityVille, and the like. Are game creators just trying to kill me?? Why, oh why do you make these games so addicting? I can get lost in one of these games for hours, interrupting my daily life and routine, just to make sure my crops, buildings, etc, are okay! The madness must stop. I get suckered in WAY too easily. The obsessive part of me just cannot resist. Unfortunately, that means I must delete such games from my phone.. But even though the games get deleted, somewhere in my head I hear that siren song "Alissa, come play my addictive game. You know you want to, Need to, HAVE TO!! Come to the dark side! Forget about lessons, cleaning, and kids. Come, play, become immersed!" No! I must resist your temptations! At least until everyone goes to bed that is :)