Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Apologies for my neglect

I am sorry, haven't had much time to blog lately. It's been crazy here, between gymnastics meets, sick husband and kids, and music arranging, I'm burnt out. Oh, I guess you could add game playing in there too. Santa brought me a PS3 game and I have been trying to play ( at least whenever my family lets me).
I am trying not to bitch too much here. Who wants to read rantings all the time? I know that I would rather not.
So if I'm not complaining about something, what should I write about? The weather sucks, I should probably stay away from that subject. I hate politics. I am neither a republican or a democrat, nor do I support one over the other. I'm more of a "show me what you have done" type of gal. So that subject is out. My family is always doing something to piss me off- let's stay away from that one. So the conundrum continues.
Oh well, guess you all will have to wait until I feel like bitching again!!!

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