Sunday, April 1, 2012

Autism Awareness Month-Blah!!

Don't be fooled by the title. Autism is a very serious thing in my home. Every month is autism awareness month here.
I have two boys with this diagnosis (10yrs old and 5yrs old). And even though they are higher functioning (they are not Aspies though), I get to see kids who are not, every day. These kids are all beautiful, and very challenging. They require and deserve special, TRAINED, educators in a safe and caring environment.
I am not one of those parents who wants their kids with "typical"kids. I like the fact that my 10yr old is in a class of 6. That he is in a special school with maybe, at most, 55 other kids. I like the fact that my child is not around "typical" kids. The kids in his class are not cliquish. They are not bullies. They do not intentionally cause physical harm to others. They all help and look out for each other, whether with Voices or actions. They don't care what brand sneakers they have on or what designer made their clothes. All they care about is whether the tag on their shirt is irritating or their sneakers have laces or Velcro ( this is a big thing to my son- he hates tying his shoes)
Their day is structured differently. My son has different therapies spaced throughout the day, and most of his academics have therapies intertwined.
My 10yr old is almost 2 yrs behind academically then his peers. But put a computer in front of him, and he could probably teach you how to hack into the school's system. He tries to socialized with kids his own age, but they call him "weird", "strange" and someone dared to call him "stupid" in front of me.
My 5 yr old is lovable, and fearless. He is home-schooled right now. His day is much like his brothers, except I'm the one trying to mix therapy and schoolwork. He goes to speech and OT(occupational therapy)just like his brother. He is also about 2 yrs behind, but emotionally, not academically. And just like his brother, tries to be social. They both are trying to fit into a world that does not make sense to them and vice- versa.
So what do I want You as the reader, to get from this rant? Here goes the educational part :)

Children with autism require patience and tolerance.

Children with autism will Not Grow Out of It. But some of their delays Might get better with intense therapy.

Children with autism need specially Educated and Trained teachers AND Aides.

Children with autism(and ANY special need)need the parents of "Typical" children to set an example of how to treat those who are DIFFERENT then them.

Parents of children with autism want a cure, sure, but we would rather have services to help our kids NOW! I don't care how they became afflicted, they have it, its done and over with. I want to help them flourish and become the best that they can be when they become adults. Because reality is, I'm not always going to be there to take care of them. I need to know that A: they are independent enough to survive on their own. Or B: there is a loving, caring place for them that can take over for my husband and myself when we are no longer here.

And here is a BIGGIE, so pay very close attention-

Parents of Children with autism need people to stop offering discipline advice. You see me trying to calm
My kid down while we are in the middle of a rage cycle- either help me calm him down so he can't hurt himself and others or keep walking. I don't need your advice on how I'm using the wrong tone with my kid, While I'm trying to calm him down. When he is like that- he can't hear me, he can't rationalize what is going on. Trust me, I know what I'm doing. I've had LOTS of practice- almost 30 yrs worth ( one of my siblings is also on the spectrum).

So I hope I've been helpful. I hope I've given you something to think about as you go on with your daily life. I'd tell you to go hug a Autie- but you might get decked by them!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Instrument anyone?

No, not of torture (even though I wouldn't mind one of those too!!). I have started the process of buying a new flute, because I am outgrowing mine- not in a physical way, mind you, but in a mental way. The Man bought me my current flute after I graduated from college many,many moons ago. I feel it's time for me to use a more advanced instrument. Instead of looking for a flute that will take a beating( I'm very heavy handed on my instruments, more technical), I want one with a beautiful tone as well. Here in lies the problem. I HATE trying things out with people staring at me. I usually sound like crap and I get self conscious. I tried out an intermediate flute yesterday, a Jupiter. It was like the one I have, but with a low B key. ( for those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, the extra key is a good thing). My current flute does not have this feature. I picked up the flute and almost dropped it, it was too light. Okay, right there I knew it was not what I wanted. I tried playing it, only scales( I dislike when people just go into music stores and try to show off by playing ridiculously difficult pieces of music). Definitely not the tone I wanted. I need some thing warmer.
So at least this was a good start, I think? I shall keep on looking :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

A little bit pissy

I see people chatting on twitter and Facebook all the time. On twitter, I mostly have authors as followers due to the fact that that is what my husband wants to be when he grows up. This is cool, but, I am not an author and hence, no one talks to me unless I have retweeted their posts. My husband on the other hand- everyone pretty much chats with him. I figured, let's do something fun and different. I posted up lyrics to random songs from my iPod. Let's play a game, I suggest. The only two people to play were my sister and my husband-and they both left to eat lunch ( or slack off-you know who I'm talking about!!) I know people work, but not everyone is. And I know this because I see the exchanges going on. So once again I gotta ask- why bother being on twitter? I have to start rethinking why I shouldn't just delete my account.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Funk of Life

So here it is, February already.  Just yesterday it was January and the year was new.  It's now month 2 and I feel like it is flying by.  Between homeschooling, gymnastic meets, car pooling, germy kids contaminating my immune system and Dr appts- I'm pooped.  We have just added Speech and Occupational Therapy to my youngest child's weekly schedule, so things are kind of being put on the side in my house lately, like laundry and cleaning.  By the time "The Man" gets home, I'm ready to escape to bed.  And I feel real bad about that, I truly do.  I hate feeling "disconnected"  from my family.  Then there is the lack of motivation to compose both music or this blog.  Music, once my greatest joy, has become a task.  I used to play for 8 hrs a day with only a lunch break.  Now I just barely pick up an instrument.  Where has my ambition gone?  The desire to create?  How do I get it back?
How does one shake the "funk of life" off?  My answer is "you don't", you just keep on trucking.  Let's hope I don't pop a tire in the process.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Apologies for my neglect

I am sorry, haven't had much time to blog lately. It's been crazy here, between gymnastics meets, sick husband and kids, and music arranging, I'm burnt out. Oh, I guess you could add game playing in there too. Santa brought me a PS3 game and I have been trying to play ( at least whenever my family lets me).
I am trying not to bitch too much here. Who wants to read rantings all the time? I know that I would rather not.
So if I'm not complaining about something, what should I write about? The weather sucks, I should probably stay away from that subject. I hate politics. I am neither a republican or a democrat, nor do I support one over the other. I'm more of a "show me what you have done" type of gal. So that subject is out. My family is always doing something to piss me off- let's stay away from that one. So the conundrum continues.
Oh well, guess you all will have to wait until I feel like bitching again!!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Time waster games, and why I cannot play them!

FarmVille, Zombie Lane, CityVille, and the like. Are game creators just trying to kill me?? Why, oh why do you make these games so addicting? I can get lost in one of these games for hours, interrupting my daily life and routine, just to make sure my crops, buildings, etc, are okay! The madness must stop. I get suckered in WAY too easily. The obsessive part of me just cannot resist. Unfortunately, that means I must delete such games from my phone.. But even though the games get deleted, somewhere in my head I hear that siren song "Alissa, come play my addictive game. You know you want to, Need to, HAVE TO!! Come to the dark side! Forget about lessons, cleaning, and kids. Come, play, become immersed!" No! I must resist your temptations! At least until everyone goes to bed that is :)