Monday, March 26, 2012

Instrument anyone?

No, not of torture (even though I wouldn't mind one of those too!!). I have started the process of buying a new flute, because I am outgrowing mine- not in a physical way, mind you, but in a mental way. The Man bought me my current flute after I graduated from college many,many moons ago. I feel it's time for me to use a more advanced instrument. Instead of looking for a flute that will take a beating( I'm very heavy handed on my instruments, more technical), I want one with a beautiful tone as well. Here in lies the problem. I HATE trying things out with people staring at me. I usually sound like crap and I get self conscious. I tried out an intermediate flute yesterday, a Jupiter. It was like the one I have, but with a low B key. ( for those of you who have no clue what I'm talking about, the extra key is a good thing). My current flute does not have this feature. I picked up the flute and almost dropped it, it was too light. Okay, right there I knew it was not what I wanted. I tried playing it, only scales( I dislike when people just go into music stores and try to show off by playing ridiculously difficult pieces of music). Definitely not the tone I wanted. I need some thing warmer.
So at least this was a good start, I think? I shall keep on looking :)

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