Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Reflections upon 2011

Much has happened during this year. Much that I would like to forget and put way, way, WAY back in my memories. Stresses and arguments, wars and deaths. I want to start anew, but I know that even though all the crap that happened this year has made me stronger, it has also made me cynical. I have lost friends, gained new ones and strengthened established relationships. I have watched my children grow a little taller and more mature (of course as I write this, my two older kids are acting like infants-they are 11 and 10 yrs old). Time seems to be going faster as I get older, and all I want it to do is slow down just a bit.
I hope in the new year I can step back and slow down. I hope I can stop letting everything stress me out. I hope I can start trusting my own mind and heart and not the thoughts and actions of others, especially those who would rather hurt me than help me. And I say "I hope" because we all set up expectations of what we want to become as the New Year arrives. I want to have "Hopes" rather than "resolutions".
But for my last "Hope", I hope you all have a safe Happy New Year with much love, luck and happiness throughout. And as they say in my maternal grandfather's language 事事如意、心想事成 (shì shì rúyì, xīn xiǎng shì chéng): Things will happen as you wish.
Happy New Year To You All!

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