Monday, November 14, 2011

A Sick Person's Whinge

Who likes to be sick??? Not I! But this is the time of year when I am bombarded by illness from the little germ bags I like to call "kids".  I hate feeling like I have not accomplished anything because my immune system has decided to go on vacation.  I hate knowing that school work is not being done, and the house is a mess and I just don't have the energy (or enthusiasm) to take care of it.  So, instead of actually doing productive work, I am hiding in my husband's office (don't worry dear, I am not playing with your Transformers-scouts honor!!) with the heater on, and a cup of tea waiting for the Advil to take affect and make the headache go away.  Oh well, guess I will have to suck it up and deal with this being a very non productive day.

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