Monday, November 21, 2011

As the holidays approach- a ranting of holidays past,of sorts.

I love the feeling of the holidays.  The air is different, the people a bit nicer, and my house a lot more chaotic.  I love to cook, especially for Thanksgiving.  I always make a ton of food for my small house (there are 5 of us plus the MIL), just in case all the people that I invite over, would actually come over.

When I was a young child, I used to love going to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve, hanging with my cousins, eating the great food (American and Spanish- Oh it makes my mouth water just remembering it).  I loved that feeling of belonging to something greater.  It was always about being with each other, not the presents (because in actuality, mine usually sucked anyway-never anything that I wanted, just whatever was on sale).  But I looked past that because it wasn't the reason why we were gathered.  So when we started our family, I always wanted to do the same thing- invite all of my friends and family over so we could be together to eat, drink and watch the kids be crazy.

Now don't get me wrong,  I love spending time with my little family.  I also came from a family of 5.  But I always had my Nannie, or uncles or mom's friends come over to our house either on or the day before or the day after the holiday.  We don't really do that now.  Everyone is too busy with their own lives, or we just are not on the priority list.  I'm lucky to get a phone call or a card from some of our relatives, the acknowledgement that you exist, but are not worthy to belong to their special club.

So every year we invite friends or family, in hopes that I can relive the glorious days of old.  Some say they are coming and some say maybe, and others say "no" (my parents live in N.Y. and don't drive.)  I am always prepared, I go buy the biggest turkey I can find,  all ingredients for the sides and desserts, and I start prepping days in advance.  And then the phone calls come-"sorry, we changed our minds, maybe we will come for dessert"  or "sorry, we are going to stay home because I don't want to drive the 30mins it takes to get to you" or even better yet -"I don't celebrate the holidays, I just want to be by myself (my husband tried this one the first year we were dating, that sooo didn't fly with me)".  Well thanks, I now know why I gain about 40lbs during the holidays, it's because I refuse to let the food go to waste.

But, even though this happens EVERY DAMN YEAR, I still invite my friends and family over,  I still make enough food to feed and army,  I still crave the feeling of belonging to something other than my small family, for my kids to have the same experience. And I am still hopeful that someone might surprise me one day and just show up.  I might have a heart attack, but I"ll have one with a smile on my face :D
So, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  One filled with friends and family, no matter how big or small it may be.  This year I will try to be Thankful for the many blessings that have been bestowed unto me and my family, because that's what it really about!


amy said...

I think it counts that I show up at 3AM. This year I expect a bigger smile on your face dammit!

Alissa said...

I will smile until I look like the Cheshire Cat!!!