Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday=Epic Fail!!!

Every year I go out on Black Friday with my friend Amy.  We usually do really well, despite the smelly, rude people we encounter at the mall (most of them shopping in Macy's)  Well much to our surprise, this was not meant to be today.  The stores were EMPTY.  Like a ghost town in some.  The mall was just somewhat busier.  Did all the crazy people go shopping last night?  Did we miss some secret shoppers sale because we chose to go at 4am instead of at midnight?  And not only were the stores empty, the sales sucked too!  I usually finish the majority of my shopping in one day, but today was different.  It looks like it will be a very Christmas this year.  I hope the UPS drivers are getting ready for me, because I still have a lot to purchase (and a lot to return because I found it cheaper online when I returned home :(
Did you go out shopping today?  And how did you fare?  I wonder if many people are having the same issue that I did.

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